Pain-free summer: Your guide to enjoying summer activities without pain

June marks the official beginning of summer in the U.S., which means school is out for many, schedules lighten up and there’s more time for returning to favorite outdoor activities. While we’ve been feeling warm summer breezes for some time in the Sunshine State, many individuals will likely attempt to get more active in the coming months. This is especially true for those heading out of their homes more frequently due to the subset of COVID-19 restrictions. 


Being more active means more fun but also comes with inherent risks. New activities can strain tight muscles or lead to other forms of injuries. For this reason, the expert pain management team at Omega Health and Wellness has put together a quick guide to help our patients and others enjoy their favorite summer activities while staying pain-free or minimizing the risk of exacerbating existing injuries.  

Start slow and stretch

Maybe you’ve been unable to visit the gym due to closures caused by COVID-19, or you’ve been saving a home renovation project for the summer months. We’ve all been there, ready to jump back into our favorite hobbies or housework with the same quick pace and vigor as our youth.  The issue lies with getting started too quickly. 


When not in use, muscles contract and become stiffer. Cardiovascular health and endurance can suffer, as well. For this reason, it is recommended that individuals take their time when getting back into the summer swing of things. Spread housework out over a few days. Play 9 holes of golf rather than 18 for your first few rounds of the year. Most importantly – stretch your muscles slowly before and after exercising.  


Pack light 

Lifting heavy beach bags, coolers and suitcases can be a frequent source of injury for individuals during the summer months. Remembering to pack light and limit lugging around heavy items can significantly benefit the health of your back and help avoid pulling muscles, aches, and other pains. 


Stay cool and hydrate

Summer in the Southeast U.S. is sweltering. Between daytime highs temperatures and a blanket of signature southern humidity, patients should take a great level of caution to maintaining proper hydration and staying cool. Dehydration hurts our joints and muscles, which ultimately causes stiffness, cramping and fatigue in those areas.


Becoming overheated carries a variety of health risks. From heatstroke to dizziness, there are many ways to get hurt if we become too hot. Being overheated can also hurt our judgment and blur vision, which leads to injuries, falls and more. 


Are you experiencing pain, looking for assistance or more tips? Omega Health & Wellness’ professional pain management team can is here to help. Call us at +1 904-724-5767. Our staff can help answer your questions, guide you to resources and even help schedule your appointment with us as soon as the next business day. 


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